Tiemco: TMC113BLH

Heavier nymph version of TMC103BL

Company Tiemco
www www.tiemco.co.jp
Type Single
Strength 1xh
Eye Position Turned down
Shank Style Straigth
Barb Barbless
Color Black
Usages Dry
Soft Hackle
Sizes 20 18 16 14 12 10 8


Length8.32 mm
Shank Length4.52 mm
Throat3.61 mm
Gape3.59 mm
Eye Width1.34 mm
Wire Thickness0.43 mm
Length9.69 mm
Shank Length5.69 mm
Throat4.16 mm
Gape4.34 mm
Eye Width1.41 mm
Wire Thickness0.47 mm
Length12.95 mm
Shank Length7.67 mm
Throat5.40 mm
Gape5.56 mm
Eye Width1.66 mm
Wire Thickness0.54 mm

Similar hooks

Hooks found to have similar properties as this hook (matched per hook size, ordered by total length).
The left number in each column is this value for that size.

Size Hook Length Shank Length Gape Throat Wire
18 C 214 8.32 -> 8.14 4.52 -> 5.05 3.59 -> 3.60 3.61 -> 3.48 0.43 -> 0.34
18 BL 454 8.32 -> 8.18 4.52 -> 4.90 3.59 -> 3.70 3.61 -> 3.53 0.43 -> 0.36
18 506 8.32 -> 8.92 4.52 -> 4.97 3.59 -> 3.44 3.61 -> 3.62 0.43 -> 0.24
16 L2A - Wet 9.69 -> 9.40 5.69 -> 6.12 4.34 -> 4.30 4.16 -> 4.41 0.47 -> 0.43
16 11011 BL 9.69 -> 9.85 5.69 -> 6.30 4.34 -> 4.26 4.16 -> 4.26 0.47 -> 0.36
16 H400BL 9.69 -> 9.96 5.69 -> 6.02 4.34 -> 4.34 4.16 -> 4.71 0.47 -> 0.48
16 H200BL 9.69 -> 9.97 5.69 -> 6.25 4.34 -> 4.19 4.16 -> 4.75 0.47 -> 0.47
16 H470BL 9.69 -> 9.97 5.69 -> 5.97 4.34 -> 4.46 4.16 -> 4.71 0.47 -> 0.45
16 H130BL 9.69 -> 10.12 5.69 -> 6.39 4.34 -> 4.35 4.16 -> 4.20 0.47 -> 0.38
16 C 214 9.69 -> 10.33 5.69 -> 6.23 4.34 -> 4.33 4.16 -> 4.34 0.47 -> 0.37
16 220BL 9.69 -> 10.49 5.69 -> 5.60 4.34 -> 4.43 4.16 -> 4.50 0.47 -> 0.38
16 HDN 302 SPR 9.69 -> 10.76 5.69 -> 5.67 4.34 -> 4.74 4.16 -> 4.62 0.47 -> 0.32
12 B405 Round Bend 12.95 -> 12.56 7.67 -> 7.92 5.56 -> 5.61 5.40 -> 5.35 0.54 -> 0.50
12 SUD2 - Ideal Standard Dry 12.95 -> 12.69 7.67 -> 8.45 5.56 -> 5.38 5.40 -> 5.40 0.54 -> 0.51
12 Nymph 12.95 -> 12.71 7.67 -> 7.77 5.56 -> 5.30 5.40 -> 5.76 0.54 -> 0.53
12 305 12.95 -> 12.75 7.67 -> 7.94 5.56 -> 5.39 5.40 -> 5.44 0.54 -> 0.47
12 Br 2100 12.95 -> 12.79 7.67 -> 8.51 5.56 -> 5.46 5.40 -> 5.78 0.54 -> 0.49
12 w10 12.95 -> 12.82 7.67 -> 7.64 5.56 -> 5.79 5.40 -> 5.53 0.54 -> 0.60
12 AK881 12.95 -> 12.83 7.67 -> 7.59 5.56 -> 5.86 5.40 -> 5.73 0.54 -> 0.60
12 H250BL 12.95 -> 12.90 7.67 -> 7.70 5.56 -> 6.13 5.40 -> 6.00 0.54 -> 0.62
12 Dry Fly 12.95 -> 12.91 7.67 -> 8.28 5.56 -> 5.48 5.40 -> 5.33 0.54 -> 0.51
12 94836 12.95 -> 12.92 7.67 -> 8.55 5.56 -> 5.34 5.40 -> 5.32 0.54 -> 0.46
12 C 214 12.95 -> 12.98 7.67 -> 8.16 5.56 -> 5.64 5.40 -> 5.55 0.54 -> 0.48
12 D101 12.95 -> 13.02 7.67 -> 8.50 5.56 -> 5.55 5.40 -> 5.32 0.54 -> 0.55
12 J 12.95 -> 13.03 7.67 -> 7.94 5.56 -> 5.40 5.40 -> 5.86 0.54 -> 0.53
12 130BL 12.95 -> 13.11 7.67 -> 8.54 5.56 -> 5.82 5.40 -> 5.57 0.54 -> 0.48
12 W145 12.95 -> 13.25 7.67 -> 8.27 5.56 -> 5.71 5.40 -> 5.86 0.54 -> 0.42
12 Dry Fly 12.95 -> 13.27 7.67 -> 8.53 5.56 -> 5.47 5.40 -> 5.32 0.54 -> 0.49
12 HDN 302 12.95 -> 13.44 7.67 -> 8.02 5.56 -> 5.82 5.40 -> 6.19 0.54 -> 0.52
12 11011 BL 12.95 -> 13.45 7.67 -> 8.55 5.56 -> 5.61 5.40 -> 5.91 0.54 -> 0.42
12 D102BL 12.95 -> 13.46 7.67 -> 8.33 5.56 -> 5.83 5.40 -> 5.13 0.54 -> 0.52
12 R70 - 7957 12.95 -> 13.53 7.67 -> 8.44 5.56 -> 5.64 5.40 -> 5.61 0.54 -> 0.60
12 Br 2140 12.95 -> 13.79 7.67 -> 8.48 5.56 -> 6.18 5.40 -> 5.97 0.54 -> 0.51
12 H400BL 12.95 -> 14.16 7.67 -> 8.47 5.56 -> 5.87 5.40 -> 6.20 0.54 -> 0.64
12 14012 BL 12.95 -> 14.17 7.67 -> 8.02 5.56 -> 5.77 5.40 -> 5.96 0.54 -> 0.51
12 C 220 12.95 -> 14.28 7.67 -> 8.43 5.56 -> 5.76 5.40 -> 6.03 0.54 -> 0.53