Ahrex: FW 581

Company Ahrex
www ahrexhooks.com
Type Single
Eye Position Turned down
Shank Style Straigth
Barb Barbless
Color Black Nickel
Usages Wet
Soft Hackle
Sizes 10 8 6 4


Length15.64 mm
Shank Length9.37 mm
Throat6.15 mm
Gape6.91 mm
Eye Width2.33 mm
Wire Thickness0.71 mm
Length20.03 mm
Shank Length11.15 mm
Throat7.97 mm
Gape7.99 mm
Eye Width2.47 mm
Wire Thickness0.75 mm
Length23.65 mm
Shank Length15.62 mm
Throat9.06 mm
Gape8.74 mm
Eye Width2.52 mm
Wire Thickness0.79 mm
Length26.73 mm
Shank Length17.38 mm
Throat10.78 mm
Gape10.16 mm
Eye Width2.89 mm
Wire Thickness0.89 mm

Similar hooks

Hooks found to have similar properties as this hook (matched per hook size, ordered by total length).
The left number in each column is this value for that size.

Size Hook Length Shank Length Gape Throat Wire
10 L2A - Wet 15.64 -> 15.37 9.37 -> 10.11 6.91 -> 6.72 6.15 -> 5.92 0.71 -> 0.58
10 H470BL 15.64 -> 15.69 9.37 -> 9.57 6.91 -> 6.80 6.15 -> 7.00 0.71 -> 0.65
10 H480BL 15.64 -> 15.77 9.37 -> 9.79 6.91 -> 7.20 6.15 -> 6.79 0.71 -> 0.66
10 FW 580 - Wet Fly 15.64 -> 15.81 9.37 -> 8.98 6.91 -> 6.99 6.15 -> 5.98 0.71 -> 0.72
10 H280BL 15.64 -> 15.92 9.37 -> 9.70 6.91 -> 7.00 6.15 -> 6.91 0.71 -> 0.59
10 R70 - 7957 15.64 -> 15.95 9.37 -> 10.27 6.91 -> 6.64 6.15 -> 6.84 0.71 -> 0.69
10 H400BL 15.64 -> 15.97 9.37 -> 9.84 6.91 -> 6.69 6.15 -> 6.91 0.71 -> 0.68
6 R72 23.65 -> 24.65 15.62 -> 16.63 8.74 -> 8.77 9.06 -> 8.75 0.79 -> 0.87
6 HDS 23.65 -> 26.97 15.62 -> 17.22 8.74 -> 9.39 9.06 -> 10.35 0.79 -> 0.87
6 M2 - Heavy Salmon Single 23.65 -> 27.10 15.62 -> 17.21 8.74 -> 8.59 9.06 -> 9.24 0.79 -> 0.84
4 FW 580 - Wet Fly 26.73 -> 26.86 17.38 -> 17.40 10.16 -> 10.39 10.78 -> 10.53 0.89 -> 0.89
4 NS110 - Streamer 26.73 -> 30.10 17.38 -> 18.56 10.16 -> 11.32 10.78 -> 10.69 0.89 -> 1.02
4 HDS 26.73 -> 30.55 17.38 -> 19.23 10.16 -> 10.93 10.78 -> 12.18 0.89 -> 0.95